It’s not only humans who take extraordinary measures to raise and nurture children, as the entire animal kingdom is rife with mommies who love and care for their kids profusely. If you thought that your mom spent sleepless nights changing diapers, animal moms probably have to deal with a lot more poop, fur, and predators.
In celebration of mothers, both humans and animals, the list below presents you with twenty amazing photographs of baby animals with their mothers that can make any human heart melt.
I, big wrinkle, made all these little wrinkles.

Puppy bums

Mother after a day of hard work: Don’t let the kids out.

This mom needs a rest from feeding all these babies and seeks comfort on a couch!!

Mother gives birth to quin-decaplets...here she looks so proud!!

Now that is what we mean by disciplined pups.

© WeaverOfDreamsAtTheLoomOfTheMind / imgur
I firmly believe that this breed of dog will never go extinct.

Mom’s going to protect all her kids.

Taking the kids for a morning walk

Got photobombed...

...finally, the kids are all asleep.

This kid found the best place to sleep.
I shall have dinner after I finish watching Pokémon...
When one sibling plays pillow...

Thank God you're all sleeping, now I can pose for the camera!!

My thirst is quenched!

In you we see ourselves!

Beware of the swimming pool kids!

Vigilant parents

Let’s play treasure hunt together!