Roman Fedortsov likes to spend most of his time on fishing trawlers. However, some of his catches end up going viral on the internet rather than being quietly digested in somebody's tummy.
"I'm 39 and have been working onboard trawlers for seventeen years," Roman said. "I live in Murmansk, Russia. It is a big port, and that's why I enrolled in the Marine University after school. My specialization has a lot to do with fishing technology. I know how to prepare fish for freezing and further delivery to the customer."
He brought most of these photographs from the Norwegian and Barents seas while several of them came ashore from the Atlantic Ocean.
"During my watch, I work at the fish factory. I'm responsible for processing the fish, so I have to control other seamen while they're working, too," Roman added.
"I have never been scared of the fish I catch. I'm always interested and impressed."
Check out the horrifying creatures Roman loves below!
More info: Instagram | Twitter
"I'm So Ugly, But That's Okay"

"The Underwater Space Is Impressive"

"Looks Like Cartoon Dragon. No Photoshop"

"Scary Beauty In My Hands"

It's Beautiful

"Teeth. Terrible Teeth"

"Total Recall. Sea Edition"

"These Fishes Remind Me Of Dwarfs From 'Lord Of The Rings'"

"The Beauty From The Sea Bottom"

"Anybody Home?"


"Another Pretty Creature From The Bottom Of The Norwegian Sea"

"Lumpsucker. They Are Used As "Cleaner Fish" To Reduce The Parasite Burden On Salmon Farms In Scotland And Norway"

"The Point Is To Choose The Right Perspective"

"This Is Psolus Phantapus! Real Cool Guys From The Depths"

"Zoom Photo. Look In Those Sad Eyes"

"Remora From Different Sides"

"Nervous People Better Not Look"

"Fantastic Four. My Sea Edition. I Like This Fish"

"Shell Pike. Beautiful Creation"

"Congratulating All Girls With The 8th Of March!"

"No Need To Invent “Monsters” Nature Has Already Done It"