What's the one thing that you always wish you had around the Christmas period? You've already got a case of the most excellent ales, had a drone last year that you became bored with, and an unlimited supply of pigs in blankets are a given.
There is only one thing left, and that is to light up your beard with Christmas lights, right?!

If you have been blessed with a good chin of facial hair, this is undoubtedly going to be top of the list.

Firebox is now selling beard fairy lights that flash (bonus) meaning they are better than any Christmas jumper.
The lights are battery powered. You can change the color of your twinkling lights.
They are like standard fairy lights, but miniature so they nestle comfortably in your facial hair.
Firebox issues a warning about using the heatless lights, however. They note that you have to give them a miss if your beard is wet or if you are outside and it's raining. If you reckon that's a given, you'd be surprised how many people wouldn't think of it.
You also have to be careful if you wear them while partying as they say 'a little bit of Buck's Fizz won't hurt but don't get hosed down with the stuff like you're Lewis Hamilton.'
A similar product has been receiving fantastic reviews on Amazon.

One customer said: "Absolutely hysterical and was one of the main talking points during Christmas in our house. Lovely bright LED's, good functions and apparently the clips were comfortable!"
Another added: "Bought as a joke gift for Christmas for my daughter's husband who has a very bushy beard. Thought the kids would love it."
If Christmas lights aren't appealing to you why not try baubles? Well, Beard laments to be precise. They are baubles and trinkets that you weave into your facial hair.
If that appeals to you (and you've got more money than sense), you could get them from around $10 (£7.80).
If you're in the United Kingdom and don't fancy waiting until your Beard laments can be shipped from the US, you can buy them online at places such as ASOS as well for a relatively reasonable price.
But, let's face the facts: any price is too much.