Anyone can use Photoshop, but doing a good job with photo editing remains a craft. Brazilian artist, Marina Amaral, does not just click-and-drag. Driven by her burning passion with history, she does extensive research and gives a lot of effort to make her colorizations seem as realistic as possible.
Marina has been playing with Photoshop since she was about ten years old. In 2015, the artist was scrolling an online history forum and discovered colorized pictures of World War I. Instantly inspired, she began restoring and putting color into images which were originally black and white. That allows someone to experience the past through a brand new perspective.
Continue scrolling to enjoy Marina's wonderful work.
More info: marinamaral.com | Facebook | Twitter
Ruby Bridges, Escorted By US Marshals To Attend An All-White School, 1960

Cree Man, Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1903

A Photographer Uses His Own Backdrop To Mask Poland's World War II Ruins While Shooting A Portrait In Warsaw In November 1946

Lewis Powell. He Was A Conspirator Working Together With John Wilkes Booth, That Assassinated President Abraham Lincoln

Four Female Pilots Leaving Their Ship, Pistol Packin' Mama, At The Four Engine School At Lockbourne AAF, 1944

Marie Sklodowska Curie

Queen Elizabeth II

Banana Docks, New York. CA 1890 – 1910

Finnish Sniper Simo Häyhä, White Death

Titanic Orphans, Brothers Michel And Edmond Navratil, 1912. They Were The Only Kids To Be Rescued From The Titanic Without A Parent Or Guardian

Eunice Hancock, A 21-Year-Old Woman, Operates A Compressed-Air Grinder In A Midwest Aircraft Plant During World War II. August 1942

Roza Shanina, A 19-Year-Old Russian WWII Sniper With 59 Confirmed Kills

Young Kenyan Woman Holding A Dik-Dik, Mombasa, 1909

The Most Intelligent Picture Ever Taken: Participants Of The 5th Solvay Conference On Quantum Mechanics, 1927

Coronation Of Queen Elizabeth II. 2 June, 1953

Men Of 72 Highlanders Who Served In The Crimea: William Noble, Alexander Davison And John Harper, 1853 – 1856

Senator John F. Kennedy And Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy On Their Wedding Day. September 12, 1953

Grigori Rasputin. Lover Of The Russian Empress

Private Paul Oglesby, 30th Infantry, Standing Inprivate Paul Oglesby, 30th Infantry, Standing In Reverence Before An Altar In A Damaged Catholic Church (Santa Maria Degli Angeli). Acerno, Italy, September 1943