The eyes are fantastic tools for perceiving the world around us, as they help us search for the things we desire in life.
What our eyes see can be influenced by our ideas, thoughts, and beliefs regarding an object as well as by our experience with similar objects. As our mind makes sense of what it's viewing, many complex mental databases are accessed, and though we have yet to understand them all, we still know that parts of our personality can also influence what we see.
So, when you first saw the image, what did you notice first? Keep it in mind and then scroll down below to find out what your purpose in life:
1. The Dog

If you first noticed the dog in the image, your eye for detail is sharper than an average person. The dog represents loyalty, relaxation, and peace, and if that's what you first noticed, it means you greatly value those qualities and are searching for them in a companion.
It's likely that you have a strong sense of inner peace that you have developed from years and years of personal growth, and after having experienced and tasted many of life’s pleasures, what you really need is a warm and cozy home to share with somebody who understands and supports you.
Respect is significant to you, and your companion knows how to give you space and how to respect your boundaries. They're trustworthy and will share their honest opinions with you, even if it isn't always what you want to hear, yet they desire that it'll help you to follow your best possible path in life.
Those who notice the dog first are also looking for sincerity in life, as small ways which show you care often mean a significant amount to them. A peaceful friend that stays with you through the good and the poor times, and is supportive for no reason other than that they genuinely care for you.
It is important to remember that as you are searching for this great and balanced partner in life, to keep in mind that what you desire can also be found within, and in more significant quantities. Our hearts possess the love we need to give to ourselves, and when we finally learn how to provide ourselves with this much needed inner compassion, our deep longings become fulfilled, as our hurts are allowed to heal as we open and let them go finally. Inner contentment, as you know, brings great joy, and by learning even more ways to give yourself the blessings you deserve, you’ll create the inner emotional environment you need to attract the loyal and peaceful companion you are searching for.
2. The Face

If you first noticed the face in the image, your mind is focused on the big picture in life; you know your goals, where you’re headed, and what you want to achieve in the near future. Your likely known for your integrity and reliability, as when you commit to something, you always do your best to see it through. Your ability to accomplish school, career and family-related tasks is second to none, but menial tasks can bore you quite quickly, so you need things to be interesting to stay motivated.
Part of the thing you are searching for is likely connected to your inner creativity of the heart. You know what you want in life already, yet a part of your core is telling you that there may be something even bigger, something even more valuable, something that means more to you.
A big house, in a friendly community for your family, a nice car to drive in, and a steady retirement are all appealing things, yet when we engage the creative side within our hearts, we know that they represent meeting the basic survival needs of ourselves and our loved ones. There is a more powerful meaning to life than what we wear, what we eat, and what we buy. The deep quiet spaces of your heart already know what you are genuinely seeking, and the answer may be much nearer to love, than to material wealth in life.
Make some time for meditation, for example time in nature, and a quiet heart focus session, and then have a listen to what your heart is trying to tell you. When you feel openness, and a softness in your heart begin to open in a particular direction, or when it brings something good to your heart and mind, you’ll know what it is you’re searching for that will give you a lasting satisfaction for years to come.
References: Mystical Raven, Understanding Compassion